Sunday, September 6, 2009

I am going to add some pictures in the next few days but I'm back in DC. Considering the fact that I grew up overseas and have never noticed culture shock or needing much of an adjustment, I have been shocked at how hard it is for me to get back to reality. All of a sudden things are back to being clean, convenient, and costly. It feels like I'm getting home from a mission all over again. As my friend Will said, "Kristen, you seem like you are always high lately." I don't really feel like myself and am trying to find a comfortable balance of living comfortably while the memories of the simplicity of a rugged existence are constantly in the back of my mind.

I just moved into a new place with two of my best friends Wendy and Laura in Alexandria. It's going to be a busy and fun semester. I'm taking a financial accounting class, a NGO management class, and a tools for a development worker class. They will be rigorous but I'm excited to dive in because I really want to learn all of the subjects.

I got a fellowship this year for half tuition so that makes this program much more affordable, but still sometimes overwhelming to think about the investment. I just have to remind myself that I will be that much more marketable and knowledgeable when I am done and that it is worth it. I'm planning to continue working for help international while I am also taking classes and starting a non profit. I would love any advice and if anyone is interested, I'll send you the business plan. it's called Nyirira (nee-ri-da) which means beauty in Luganda (a major language spoken in uganda). I'm trying to find balances in my life and know that if I just keep my priorities straight and do the simple important things first, that everything will work out.

anyway I'm debating on the whole blog situation. I'm thinking I will add pictures to this one and call it good. Maybe make a book out of it or something. I might go back to my blog with graham and be the single writer, start another, or just take a hiatus from blogging until I'm a newly married person, like most other bloggers.